Being a Surrogate If You’re Single
March 26, 2024
Brighid Flynn
If you are single and wondering whether or not surrogacy is an option for you, the answer is absolutely yes! When it comes to being a surrogate, agencies and intended parents are much less concerned with your relationship status than they are with your health, your sense of responsibility, and your commitment to the surrogacy journey.
Single Surrogate Support System
Try and say that 5 times fast! Becoming a surrogate is an emotional, physical, and long-term commitment, so we want to make sure you have people–aside from us here at Surrogacy.com, your agency, and intended parents—cheering you on every step of the way.
Ideally, your primary support person (PSP) will be someone local to you, particularly if you have little ones at home who will need to be cared for while you’re at medical appointments, traveling to your intended parents’ clinic, and, of course, for the delivery! Your support system is so important during your surrogacy journey, and it doesn’t end with delivery. We want to confirm you will have people with you during your postpartum recovery as well.
“Your PSP can be your parents, siblings, cousins, best friends, or even a close coworker—whoever you are most comfortable with and excited to have supporting you during this 15-month to 2-year journey,” says Niki Renslow, an experienced surrogate and Surrogate Success Manager at Surrogacy.com. “We just want to make sure you have support during this time, so you will want to choose someone who is willing to go through this process with you and be open to chatting with not only the mental health professionals but your agency and even being open to meeting your intended parents!”
Things To Consider If You’re a Single Surrogate
If you’re single and interested in becoming a surrogate, here are some things to consider:
Who will watch your child(ren) when you have appointments and have to travel?
Who will travel with you?
Who will help with everyday needs around the house during your pregnancy, etc.?
Who will aid you in your postpartum recovery?
Who will be there to cheer you on?
If you begin a relationship during your surrogacy, how will you share that with your intended parents?
While all of this help might come from your PSP, we understand that schedules make it harder to rely on just one person as your travel, appointment, and at-home buddy. So, the more people you have in your close, supportive circle, the merrier! And remember, your intended parents will cover the costs for your travel partner’s flights, hotel stays, and expenses.
Don’t forget that Surrogacy.com is a community of support for surrogates. We can connect you with women who have gone through this incredible journey and are willing and excited to share their experiences with you!
This Is All About You
At the end of the day, whether you are single or in a relationship, we want to make sure you have the level of support you deserve during this exciting time. If you are single, you want to choose someone who will be actively engaged in this process with you. You have made an incredible, life-changing decision, and you should surround yourself with people who support you, recognize your bravery, and will be there for every part of the journey!
If you’re ready to explore the world of surrogacy, we’re here! Start with our compatibility form, and then we’ll chat!